Brodie's Web Pages

Brodie was born at 23:40 on Thursday the 4th of August 2005 weighing 4lb and 12oz

My first visit to see Brodie at home on Saturday 13th August

NGC_2005_0813_143440-CR8-C10.jpg (137579 bytes) Brodie in the arms of a very proud 'Grandad'. He is so tiny I really thought I'd break him.


...and proud parents of course.
Brodie seems less than keen to have his wind brought up,
NGC_2005_0813_160702-C10.jpg (162398 bytes)
NGC_2005_0813_160838-CR6-CO10.jpg (148162 bytes) but Dad (Keith) managed it anyway.

The look pride on the faces of Keith and Kate will take some beating.

NGC_2005_0813_145734-CR-CO10.jpg (136107 bytes) NGC_2005_0813_160054-CR-CO10.jpg (152515 bytes)